Improve Immune System by Riding an E Bike

electric bikes health benefitsIt might seem apparent to those of us who regularly get out and ride our e bikes, but several new studies outlined in the Guardian demonstrate that riding a bicycle regularly throughout your life can have enormous physical and mental health benefits for riders as they age. Electric Bikes are a great way for middle-aged and older consumers to start riding.

125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79 preserved muscle mass and strength with age, while maintaining stable levels of body fat and cholesterol. These findings may seem obvious to anyone familiar with the positive effects of exercise. But the biggest revelation revealed by the Guardian showed the enormous positive results on the immune system from cycling-specifically.

Immune System Advantages of Cycling as we Age

Getting out and riding an electric mountain bike will reduce the ill-effects of aging.

Starting at the age of 20, the thymus, an organ that builds T-cells, begins to shrink. These cells help strengthen your immune system. People that regularly ride bikes were found to be generating as many T-cells as younger individuals.

Utah Baby Boomers Enjoy Greater Health with E Bikes

It’s welcome news to the many empty-nesters and middle-aged riders that have come into High Country E Bikes in recent years and purchased electric bicycles. We see the many efforts these customers are making to maintain their health as they age.

Encountering various injuries and health challenges throughout life is natural. It can become more and more challenging to stay active in the ways that we’re accustomed.

Ride Socially

Likewise, many people like to ride bicycles socially. But that can be discouraging if you don’t have the same strength and stamina that you’re accustomed. It can be challenging to keep up with a riding partner. Again, this is why so many couples come into our store and buy electric bikes, helping to even the playing field for all riders.

LEARN the basics of e bikes

Reduce Health Insurance Costs Over Time

Bicycles with electric motors have come as welcome news to a growing population of baby boomers trying to stay fit into their later years. With the rising cost of health insurance, it’s understandable that many of our customers are seeing the wisdom of investing in e bikes.

Rediscover Your 20-year-old Body

We’d all appreciate having the bodies that we enjoyed in our 20’s. Not only do we miss smaller waste-lines and greater muscle-tone, but we often don’t have the same overall health that we experienced when we were in college. As we age, it becomes easier for us to get the regular viruses and bacterial infections that inflict so many during the flu season.

This new study in Great Britain demonstrates the value of staying active any way possible.

“. . . our findings debunk the assumption that aging automatically makes us more frail. Our research means we now have strong evidence that encouraging people to commit to regular exercise throughout their lives is a viable solution to the problem that we are living longer but not healthier.”

Professor Janet Lord

Director of the Institute of Inflammation and Aging

University of Birmingham

Improve Mental Health with E Bikes

There also appears to be significant mental health advantages to cycling. Recent reports find that those who commute by bike are happier and less susceptible to depression. We see a lot of people buying e commuters to add to a healthier lifestyle in the Salt Lake City area.

Age Optimally

Many of us would love to age optimally, free from the common problems associated with inactivity. It’s obvious when you think about it, that bicycling would be a smart option for improving that activity.

Doing whatever you can accomplish to stay active, whether it’s in a weight training in a gym, jogging on the open road, or riding a bicycle on the street or one of the many beautiful Utah trails, will promote higher levels of physical and mental health.

Have Fun While You Age!

And everyone knows that the more you can make exercise fun, the more likely you’ll be to stick with it. We get so stoked about introducing e bikes to our customers of all ages. We know that they’re going to love their bicycle riding experience and be far more likely to use their bikes if they’re having fun.

Test ride an electric bike today at High Country E Bikes in Utah. See how this new technology can supply you with the desired health benefits that you want as you age.

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